Summer days can be very long for a house full of little kiddos and a tired mom...this being said I needed a project for my little people to keep them busy and to keep them happy. They kept asking me if they could have a lemonade stand...this got me to thinking....how about a Bake Sale! My kiddos loved the idea and immediately gave me their list of items to bake and buy. The girls decided on :
Rice Krispie Treats with and without Oreo's
Vanilla and Chocolate Cupcakes with White Chocolate Mousse Filling
Sugar Cookies decorated pretty with royal icing
Sugar cookies soft with butter cream
Cake Ball Truffles on and off a stick
Brownies three ways: Toffee Pecan, Plain, and Reese's pieces peanut butter
Chocolate butterscotchies
The boy was in charge of the Lemonade stand and served Cherry Cool aide along with Lemonade.
I was baking like a mad women because this was also the weekend of the Sock Monkey order. They "helped" when I would let them with the baking, and did package most of the goods. Husband and I decided to have a yard sale in order to direct more traffic into the girls bake sale and the boys lemonade stand. The girls then made signs and fliers for the neighborhood. You should have seen them late Friday night...they made colored brochures for their customers to read....it was so CUTE! They also set a very pretty display with all of my cake stands.
This was an awesome summer project and I highly recommend that you have your own. It was a huge success and by 11am they had sold out! Leaving only one cupcake left. They were ecstatic and felt very accomplished. We then gave each kid $5.00 and announced that the rest would go into their collage savings accounts.....(they were less than impressed with this idea) however we redeemed ourselves by taking them that night to "Cold stone" and letting them get whatever they wanted.....can you say HUGE chocolate covered waffle cones! It is so great to have a house full of kids...I just love our chaotic clan.