Some people call these "cake balls". To me that just sounds so UN-Appetizing, so I have named mine "Cake Truffles". If you have endless supplies of cake and butter-cream icing on hand at all times, and many occasions to bring treats...these are just the thing for you. For these I used a combination of vanilla butter cake and chocolate fudge, for the icing I used my butter-cream and then dipped them in a better chocolate, Milk Chocolate Giuttard melting chips that I purchased at the cake supply store. The recipe (if you can call it that,) is very simple...
Cake any flavor, baked and then crumbled
frosting a flavor to compliment your cake...cream cheese works with everything
chocolate to dip in.
Simply combine cake and frosting, adding only enough frosting to form a moist but not "gooey" consistency. Roll tablespoon size into a ball and place in freezer for about 10 min. Take frozen cake balls out of freezer and dip in your favorite chocolate and let set. The master of these creations can be found at http://www.bakerella.com/ she does some amazing designs, and even appeared on the Martha show with them.
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