Okay, so this is supposed to be all about baking...but not for a min. Can I just express how truly blessed and thankful I am. I was able to see my sweet baby again to day. I am so grateful for the place I am right now...I woke up this morning and ran 4 1/2 miles (at a pretty good pace) 30 and 1/2 weeks pregnant...and then got to see my beautiful little girl! She is so wonderful....she swallowed, and smiled, and is so absolutely perfect. I thought a little mention of her is okay...because she pretty much occupies most of my thoughts every waking min. I am so anxious to meet her and to hold her, and to kiss her little neck...change her diapers, pat her back and gaze at her for hours. It is amazing really. God is so good to us. I feel so blessed and honored to be able to carry this little spirit for 9 (long) months. To feel her move and to dream of her life...and to have such a divine purpose. I am grateful beyond measure...I love her.