Let me start off by saying that the blog really does not do my baked goods justice...the pictures I take are awful! My camera is terrible and the lighting is always whatever I can muster up at 11 pm. So know that they are much better looking, and smelling, and tasting than they appear.
Okay...This by far was the busiest baking Sunday EVER! It happened completely by default. I knew that I would be making a ton of Sugar Cookies for the class I am teaching Tuesday. In order to get the base coat of icing dried to do detail work, I needed to have them baked today. I then decided that I really wanted "Mother-in-law's Dilly Bread" in roll form so I started those. I was then informed (rather late I must add 3 PM) that the girls (youth group for church) was in charge of the refreshments for that nights fireside at 7pm...this meant me (too late to call the girls/their moms:)
So I then made 2 dozen coconut cupcakes with buttercream frosting, and a jelly roll pan of M&M brownies. This still would not top the baking scale...I had this left over pumpkin in the fridge that was dying to be used and husband said..."I would just love if you made a pumpkin roll cake". So I did....with cream cheese filling. (I will add that picture and the recipe later) I then made a huge batch of homemade minestrone soup for the families dinner, and now I will be making the royal icing and heading in to frost the cookies.....I will not want to even look at the kitchen tomorrow...but Cinnamon Rolls sure have been sounding good, maybe......
1 comment:
Can I just say you are CRAZY!! I really have no idea when you stop. I have enjoyed looking at your blog and I am going to try the recipes. The problem is I eat everything I bake, and I might be as big as a house when I am done. I must say that cinnamon rolls have sounded very yummy to me too, and just a thought if you do make them, and have too many you can alway's send some my way!
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