We had a weekend at home enjoying each others company, and our church general conference on TV....We have had a family tradition for the last two years, that twice yearly at conference we make homemade caramel popcorn...
I was actually hoping that the kiddo's might forget this time around, but alas as I was still lying in bed early Sunday morning I hear one say, "YEAH! It's caramel popcorn time!" So I was not off the hook. I have the best, most decedent, chewy caramel corn recipe you could ask for. I got it from a neighbor a very long time ago. It is rich and should be used on plain, freshly popped popcorn. We did not have plain popcorn, I discovered on Sunday morning, so I had to use the "Movie Theatre Butter" microwave version that I cringe at even buying for them. (husband likes BUTTA and lots of it!) So I went back and forth, do I really let them indulge their little bodies with enough fat and sugar to feed an elephant in one handful of popcorn...or do away with one of their apparently cherished childhood memories? I made the corn. The girls helped and it was more memories in the making. I rationalized it a little by going easy on the caramel and saving the rest of it in a pint jar to use either on ice cream...or you will see what working out 7 days a week lately... led me to do with it later.
Here is the recipe for the perfect caramel, to go on popcorn...or anything else your heart desires:
Caramel Popcorn:
1/2 c butter
1 c corn syrup
1 can sweetened condensed milk (I used low-fat)
2 c brown sugar
Melt butter, add syrup and bring to a boil. Add milk and sugar and bring to boil, stir constantly for about 5 to 8 minuets or until soft ball stage. Pour over popcorn.
**I added raw almonds, you know to make it healthy:)
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